Important Diet & Nutrition Seniors Should Follow

Important Diet & Nutrition Seniors Should Follow

Important Diet & Nutrition Seniors Should Follow

The duration of life is gradually becoming slow because of improper diet from young age. Many experts have discovered that main factor of aging depends upon nutrition. And when people become old their changes in body metabolism and composition happens and it is very essential to keep a vigilant watch what in they eat.

Nowadays there many seniors who are undernourished because of the following reason:
·         Consuming refined & processed foods.
·         Reduction in metabolism.
·         Loss of appetite because of many reasons like medicines, improper sleep, drugs and alcohol, etc.
·         Aging.
Along with metabolic changes and cut in physical activities due to aging, chances of suffering from chronic illness are very high, and many health experts claims that eating poorly is also one of the cause for the ailments.

Importance of Nutrition in Senior

Elders usually produce small saliva content and also don’t have good dentures therefore it causes complexity while eating dry foods. While 30 % of aged people lose the capability to produce stomach acid as it results in zero absorption of nutrients like folic acid, B6 and vitamin B12 and deficiency of B6 causes neurological transforms like loss in memory, numbness in extremities and lessens alertness ability. Other problems like having problems with harder stools which results in constipation. It also causes changes in taste, vision, smell, and many more.
Aging does affects many things and it doesn’t if taken proper care with good eating habits and necessary exercises.

Diet to follow and not to follow

The incurring problems while aging are not a thing to worry if followed the following guidelines:
·         Consume from a wide range of food starting from vegetables, fruits, cereals and breads to cheese and milk, poultry, meat, dry beans and fish. Following this will ensure all the needed nutrients for good well being.
·         Eat small meals for 4 to 5 times.
·         Have cholesterol free food.
·         Increase in dietary fiber.
·         Keep a limit in the intake of fat.
·         Avoid food which causes gas problems.
·         If the problem with eating dry food persists, try eating softer and moisture foods and eat in smaller proportions.
·         Lessen the intake of sodium and salt compounds.
·         Start taking calcium tablets, especially women.
·         Sugar more than normal can be a lead to problems.
·         Water minimum should be 8 ounce glasses per day.
·         Liquor intake should be moderated, and if possible should be stopped.

The above guidelines doesn’t ensures a good health as every individuals well being depends on various things like lifestyle, heredity, mental health, environment, behavior, etc. but flowing it will surely avoid further problems it can cause. Food isn’t the only factor for improving health but one should also follow the following points as suggested by experts:
·         Ample of power to complete daily work.
·         Mental stability should be good.
·         Strong enough to resist diseases.
·         Successful recovery from surgery, accident and illness.
·         Medication efficiency
·         Ability to manage chronic health difficulties.

Why one need Nutrients?

Nutrients are required in every living being and especially in humans to help body grow and repair and improve the body conditions. According to the study humans require minimum 40 nutrients for a happy body.

Those are:

·         Energy sources (which includes fats, proteins, carbohydrates)
·         Minerals
·         Vitamins
·         Vital fatty acids
·         Amino acids
·         Water carbohydrates which includes sugars, dietary fiber and starches.
·         Fats
·         Vitamins
·         Fats
·         Proteins
·         Minerals
·         Waters
To have all nutrients mentioned above follow a strict diet from the following first five in the six food sets:
1.       Vegetables
2.      Cereals and Breads
3.      Fruits
4.      Meat, fish, dry beans and poultry
5.       Cheeses and Milk
6.      Alcohol, Sweets and Fats

Ways to add variety in meals

Start including vegetable mix soup, sandwich of tuna fish with pumpernickel bread at the time of breakfast and bran muffin, vegetable and fruit salad or cheese omelet for dinner time. Start experimenting with recipes. Share lunch and dinner with acquaintances and friends once in a week, it will not just add variety in your diet but add more friends in the list to share, hangout, etc. with.

Author:  Mubashir Khan BS Biochemistry GC University Faisalabad Punjab Pakistan.

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