Home remedy for corns and foot fungus

Home remedy for corns and foot fungus


When treating fungi, there are three factors that should be avoided: darkness, humidity and heat, since these are the preferred conditions of these microorganisms. On the other hand, to avoid corns, it is advisable to wear appropriate footwear, which is padded enough.
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The use of inappropriate footwear, continuous friction and certain bad habits can favor the appearance of calluses and fungus on the feet. Both issues can even alter the way of walking, thus damaging lumbar health, for example.
Calluses are layers of skin that have acquired a greater thickness than normal and can become flaky. They are usually formed in the heels and in the front of the feet by pressure or friction, by the use of inappropriate footwear. They constitute an aesthetic problem for the person.
For their part, fungi are a type of infection that, in addition to causing a bad smell, can alter the appearance of the nails. Sometimes, they may discolor and in others, they may become yellowish, irregular and fragile. To treat them correctly it is necessary to go to a dermatologist.

How to remove calluses and fungus on the feet?

To eliminate foot fungus it will be essential to follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor. Homemade remedies are not suggested, as they can more aggravate the problem and cause complications.

For example, the “exfoliating” mixture of lemon juice with aspirin can be too aggressive for the skin (even if it has calluses) and, if we also rub the skin with a pumice stone, an sandpaper or any other instrument to remove them, we can break the skin and cause cracks and wounds that can then become infected.

If the doctor considers it, you may indicate ointments or other punctual products (antifungal creams, etc.), in specific doses. In addition, it will make certain recommendations regarding hygiene and personal hygiene that must be taken into account.

Once the fungus problem has been treated with the dermatologist, calluses can be treated. For this, the ideal would be to consult with a podiatrist. The specialist will know how to deal with the problem in a safe way, with the most appropriate tools and procedures.

There are products that contain lemon compounds that help eliminate fungi, however, that does not mean that the most appropriate is to use lemon juice.

What can you do at home?

In addition to following the guidelines given to you by the doctor and the podiatrist, you can practice the following tricks:
Stop wearing the shoes that are hurting you.
After taking off your shoes, place it in a window or open space for ventilation.
Use templates (to protect the callous area).
Keep your feet in the open air for at least fifteen minutes daily.
Wear comfortable, padded shoes that are made of a material that allows perspiration. And if it is summer, it is preferable to wear sandals, so that the foot is well ventilated.
Always use clean socks and, if you have to, change the pair. Never leave socks or wet shoes on.
Patches with liquids are not recommended for all cases, therefore, you should consult your doctor before acquiring them.
Soak the feet in a bucket with warm water (or hot at a bearable temperature), neutral soap and coarse salt about 10 minutes. After this time, one foot is removed and the calluses are carefully filed with a pumice stone.
We must be careful when filing because if we make it too strong, we can break the skin and hurt ourselves.
Ideally, perform this procedure regularly, until the callus is completely eliminated.
After removing the hardness and dead skin of the feet, you have to dry them very well and apply a moisturizing cream on the feet. You could also use some coconut oil to enhance the moisturizing effect.

Final considerations

Although it seems obvious, it is necessary to remember that when treating calluses and fungus on the feet it is necessary to be patient. If you follow the doctor's instructions and go to the podiatrist, your feet will recover and stop looking bad.
Accelerating the process can be counterproductive and risky, so avoid using home remedies at all costs (unless you have authorization from your doctor).

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