If we combine an exercise routine with a balanced diet we will be able to reduce the fat located in the abdomen area, in addition to taking care of our general health
The belly fat does not control in two days of workout or diet. Not even in a month.
We need a good plan and, above all, carry out each step taking care of our health. However, it can help us to be aware of having a clear objective: to lose belly volume.
This goal goes far beyond the simple physical aspect. We talk, above all, about our heart and about avoiding any risk associated with obesity, such as heart attacks, diabetes, increased triglycerides ...
We must take measures and hence, today in our space we propose these keys that will help you see results after two months.

Do you dare to put them into practice today?

1. Interval exercises twice a day

If we want to lose abdominal fat in 60 days, aerobic exercises, such as going for a walk, will not only serve us.
We also need resistance routines that do adequate work in the abdomen and back. Therefore, it is advisable that we combine with each other.

These would be some examples.

  • Skipping rope and push-ups
  • Our exercise sessions will be established at two times of the day. It can be enough with half an hour but, yes, they will be of high intensity.
  • However, we will adjust these exercises to our level without ever exceeding the limits or without exhausting ourselves.
  • Start your routine by skipping rope for 5 minutes at a low pace.
  • Then do 5 push-ups.
  • Continue with the jump rope exercise, increasing the intensity.
  • Continue with some abs. Focus first and foremost on tightening that belly area.
  • It is greatly recommended to perform half an hour to all these exercises.
  • Here is a simple tutorial to perform a variety of this exercise.
  • The belly fat can never control in two days of workout or diet. Not even in a month.

We need a good plan and, above all, carry out each step taking care of our health. However, it can help us to be aware of having a clear objective: to lose belly volume.
This goal goes far beyond the simple physical aspect. We talk, above all, about our heart and about avoiding any risk associated with obesity, such as heart attacks, diabetes, increased triglycerides ...
We must take measures and hence, today in our space we propose these keys that will help you see results after two months.
Do you dare to put them into practice today?

1. Interval exercises twice a day

If we want to lose abdominal fat in 60 days, aerobic exercises, such as going for a walk, will not only serve us.
We also need resistance routines that do adequate work in the abdomen and back. Therefore, it is advisable that we combine with each other.
These would be some examples.
Skipping rope and push-ups
Our exercise sessions will be established at two times of the day. It can be enough with half an hour but, yes, they will be of high intensity.

However, we will adjust these exercises to our level without ever exceeding the limits or without exhausting ourselves.
Start your routine by skipping rope for 5 minutes at a low pace.
Then do 5 push-ups.
Continue with the jump rope exercise, increasing the intensity.
Continue with some abs. Focus first and foremost on tightening that belly area.
It is highly recommended to perform half 30 minutes to these all exercises.
Bicycle and swimming
In the middle of the afternoon, when you finish work, for example, you can do very well to do a little swimming or even go out with the bicycle.
No need to go to the gym if you don't want to. The bottom line is putting the will and some imagination into our combined exercise routines.
Thus, you will exercise, and you will save yourself that money that you invest in gasoline or in public transport.

2. The importance of maintaining an upright posture

The following advice, more than an exercise, is a recommendation that will be useful to us to favor that our belly is firmer. Take note of it.
When you sit down, always try to keep your back straight.
When walking, keep your shoulders from projecting forward or your neck from leaning.
Lift your chin, put your shoulders and back straight and you will discover how this pose gives you a more positive and energetic attitude.
Your abdomen will also benefit from this adequate body scheme.

3. The upside-down bridge exercise

It is a simple exercise. You will not feel exhausted when you practice it, since it is not complicated and, however, as it becomes habitual in your day to day, it can be a beneficial routine.
The face-down bridge exercise is based on resting your hands and feet on the ground.
Something like this forces the abdomen to make the effort to hold and stabilize us, there is a tension and resistance that you must maintain for 2 minutes.
Dare to practice it 3 times a day.
It is one of the basic yoga exercises.

4. Pineapple and papaya

We already know what type of physical routines it is convenient to carry out to lose weight. Now, it is worth knowing what tips we should start introducing in our diet.
Start the day with a natural pineapple, papaya and chia seed salad. It will promote your digestion, fight bloating and promote the loss of abdominal fat.

5. Yes to fruits vegetables purple or crimson

All those purple-toned foods are rich in anthocyanins, a type of antioxidants that help regulate our metabolism and, in the same way, control the level of fat in our body.
Take note of what foods can help you.
  • Grapes
  • Eggplants
  • The Cranberries
  • Red cabbage
  • Beet

6. Think of «AGM» (monounsaturated fatty acids)

Foods rich in monounsaturated fatty acids are recommended to "attack" abdominal fat.
In addition, to promote our cardiovascular health, they are satiating and very energetic. Do you want an example of them?
  • Avocados
  • Olive oil, coconut oil and cod liver oil
  • Salmon
  • Nuts (walnuts and pistachios)
  • Sardines
  • Tofu

7. Yes to foods rich in insoluble fiber to combat abdominal fat

Vegetable fiber will help us feel satiated and not have to snack between meals. It also helps us to reduce bad cholesterol and fight constipation.
It is worth starting to introduce a little more insoluble fiber into our diet.
To obtain it, do not hesitate and consume:
  • Vegetables (broccoli, chard, raw carrots, raw spinach, asparagus, beets, artichokes, squash)
  • Legumes (lentils, chickpeas)
  • Cereals (oats, rye)
  • Popcorn
  • Fruits (apples, bananas)
AUTHORS: Muhammad Mubashir Iqbal, BS Biochemistry GC University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan.

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