AUTHOR: Muhammad Mubashir Iqbal, BS Biochemistry GC University Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan

A proper diet accompanied by regular physical exercise is the perfect combination to reduce belly fat accumulation, gain health and look better.
Getting rid of belly fat is for more reasons than just looking better in the mirror.
Abdominal fat is not aesthetic, we know that; we don't like it, it is clear; but above all, it is not healthy.
The excessive contour of our belly is a direct predictor of multiple associated diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance.
Losing weight in this area of the body is not easy, nor are we going to achieve it from one day to the next: it is necessary to be constant, put will and improve our life habits to the maximum.
Today in our space we want to help you in this purpose: losing belly fat is possible and we are going to teach you how.

Did you know? There are 7 reasons why we can't lose belly fat:

1. You still eat too much processed food

We can follow a diet and follow it faithfully. We can even comply with the exercise table that has been recommended to us and yet ... What are we doing wrong so that so much effort is not noticed in our abdomen?
One of the main reasons is in all that assortment of processed foods that we still consume: white bread, crackers and fried potatoes, refined sugar, carbonated drinks or sweeteners ...
Remember this fact: belly fat is associated with inflammation, so eating too many processed foods will make it difficult to lose belly fat.

2. You think you should eliminate "all" types of fats from your diet

There are people who do it, who say to themselves "no fat" and eliminate a large part of those foods from their diet that, in fact, would help them burn belly fat.
In our space we indicate it to you on numerous occasions: there are good fats, monounsaturated fats. These have anti-inflammatory effects and help us to take care of the heart and improve our weight.

Do not hesitate for a moment, and add to your diet:

  • Olive oil
  • Avocados
  • Walnuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Fatty fish (such as salmon)

3. You may not be doing the correct exercises

Sometimes it is not enough to go for a half hour walk, go swimming, dance, do yoga …
All these routines are healthy but, in reality, they do not force us to work on those "key areas" that are located in our abs, pelvis, sword ...
We must be aware that to lose belly fat it takes a little more effort, hence it is necessary to follow very specific exercise tables for this purpose.

4. You suffer a lot of stress

This data is important, because not everyone considers it, takes it into account and attends to it.
We may follow this fabulous diet that has been recommended to us, we go to the gym and a coach explains what exercises we must do to get a flat stomach and perfect as an ironing board.

5. However, nothing works. For what is this?

Any long-lasting source of stress alters our metabolism and increases the level of cortisol in the blood.
The higher the level of cortisol we run the risk that the level of visceral fat will rise and that it will adhere more easily ...

6. You sleep little

Please note another fact, which "install" in our mind this true information: sleeping less than six hours takes the life away from us, health and psychological well-being.
What's more, if we spend 2-3 months in a row sleeping 6 to 5 hours a day, not only will we not be able to reduce the volume of our waist, but we also run the risk of gaining weight and developing diabetes.

7. Is your body pear shaped?

It may seem ironic, but it has its explanation: we talk about the shape of our body and our genetic tendency to accumulate fat in certain areas of our figure.
There are women who are thinner at the top: face, chest, arms ... However, they have a tendency to accumulate weight in the abdomen and hips.
In this case, and for genetic reasons, it is common for us to find it more difficult to remove fat from these areas. However, "difficult" is not synonymous with impossible.

Keys to lose belly fat and get more firmness

We pointed it out at the beginning: achieving a firm, smooth belly with less fat volume requires changing many habits in our lives.
Now, to achieve this metamorphosis, the ideal is to first promote change in our own mind.
Thus, simple phrases that we can say to ourselves on a daily basis are: "I am losing weight" (instead of "I want to lose weight") or "I am proud of the efforts I am making" (instead of "I am going to try hard").
With these sentences we emphasize the present action and the desired result and not the simple process, that which we sometimes neglect or escape.
Take note now of recommendations that will help you achieve this, there are some changes that we should think about right now:
Be sure to start your day with one glass of warm lemon water. During the day he takes sage infusions.
Eat soluble fiber, cut down on refined carbohydrates, and skip any meal of the day.
Eliminate alcohol and "trans" fats from your diet. Substitute the latter for the monounsaturated and increases the protein intake.
Manage stress, do aerobic and resistance exercises.
Sleep 7 to 9 hours a day.
Eat fish like salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines ...
Eat probiotic foods that take care of your intestinal flora
Take your diet and these tips in the company of anothers.
If we have a common goal with a friend, family member or with our partner, we will feel more motivated.

To finish, also remember that the results will not be seen in a few weeks or a month. In fact, we should always follow these guidelines to guarantee a good lifestyle and adequate nutrition.

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