Dukan Diet Plan – The Ultimate Plan To Reduce Weight

Dukan Diet Plan – The Ultimate Plan To Reduce Weight

Dukan Diet Plan – The Ultimate Plan To Reduce Weight

Dukan diet plan was made by medical doctor and French nutritionist Pierre Dukan before 10 years age and got unbelievable popularity since it has been created. As per media reports about 1.5% million French females depend on the diet plan to keep body fit and maintain figures and seemingly celebrities and models containing Jennifer Lopez and Giselle Bundchen too have utilized it.

Till recent days, dukan diet plan has just been available in France but there is official English version of Dukan diet, during 2010 it went for sale. Within United, it quickly came on Amazon’s top diet book list and right now its online program is too available. Officially this diet releases on 19th April 2011 in USA.

Basic diet products

Dukan diet is depend on consuming high protein foods, this diet severely try to limit all carbohydrates containing starchy vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes. This diet plan is not similar to Atkins diet, it prominence is more on protein sources, which contains low fat like poultry, fish and decreased dairy fat products. Dukan diet plan contains 4 phases, in the below we have mentioned it –

An Attack Phase – 1st phase

Dukan’s 2nd phase is traced for 1-10 days based on we are willing lose how much weight. The dieters are already informed that they can assume to reduce about 7 to 10 pounds within just 5 days. While this phase dieters eat just protein foods, which might be seasoned with condiments, which do not include carbohydrates like mustard, vinegar, salt, spices and herbs. Drinks that does not contain calorie containing coffee, water, diet soda, tea are too allowed and every day you can add one and half tablespoon oatmeal. People who are following plans are guided that they might experience dry mouth and bad breath during this phase, which might be eased to few degrees by consuming more water.

The Weight-loss Phase – 2nd phase

It is maintenance phase and begins once you got your goal weight. You will on-go to build your protein diet and vegetable however be too permitted one share of fruit also 2 whole grain bread slices. Moreover, you are allowed one additional offering of carbs every week, which might contain foods such as rice and pasta. During this phase you are too permitted 1 celebration meal in every week that is enhanced to 2 times in a week.

The Stabilization phase – 3rd Phase

This is continuing lifestyle phase of Dukan diet plan. While this phase you are guided to eat whatever you want to while on-going to utilize the consolidation phase’s rules as guideline. Week’s one-day dieters are guided to have only protein.

The Cruise phase – 4th Phase

In this Dukan diet plan phase, the days of consuming protein are alternated with vegetables and protein days. During these days, different variety of vegetable permitted, it contains limited vegetable, which do not have starch like spinach, lettuce, cucumber, celery, tomato, and asparagus, vegetables could be eaten raw, stews or soups and steamed. This protein plan is traced till you get your desire weight. By following this phase dieters can assume that they can at least 2 pounds in one week.

Dukan diet plan’s pros and cons


·         Add vegetarian options
·         It does not need calorie counting
·         Quick results in primary stages can support to enhance motivation
·         During Dukan diet’s primary phases the ‘celebration meals’ could support                               psychologically to progress adherence to diet.
·         Add recipes and meal plan


·         Much restrictive and needs removal of numbers of healthy foods containing grains, fruit, nuts and legumes.
·         Numbers of dieters’ headaches, constipation, and bad breathe on huge protein diets.
·          Few dieters do not reply well to less carbohydrate diets such as Dukan and you can face mood swings and fatigue.
·      Not proper for those dieters who have a history of high cholesterol, gout, eating disorders and kidney disease.
·         Boosts consumptions of diet soda and artificial sweeteners.
·         Gets boredom of dietary because of restricted food choices, majorly for those people who do not like having animal products.

Author:  Mubashir Khan BS Biochemistry GC University Faisalabad Punjab Pakistan.

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