Causes & Treatment Of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Causes & Treatment Of Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Causes & Treatment

This article has been verified and approved by biotechnologist on July 8, 2019

People with narcissistic personality disorder believe they are superior to others and have little empathy. At the same time, they are not very tolerant of criticism and have interpersonal difficulties.

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Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental condition that causes the individual to have an exaggerated sense of self-centeredness, self-esteem and poor empathy for others. He often thought that he deserves special treatment and has an high need to be the center of Attention.

They are often lacking in the interpersonal field, since they focus all their attention on themselves and do not care what may happen to others. In fact, they only approve third parties when they ratify their airs of greatness through constant praise.

However, his extreme safety mask hides a fragile self-esteem that can be affected with the least criticism. Because of this, they tend to fall easily into depressive states, since they feel unhappy and disappointed not being at the level of their expectations.

They also do not feel satisfied with their relationships, constantly compare themselves and believe that no one is at their level. What are your causes? How to identify it? Then we tell you what factors can trigger it and what are the signs to recognize it.

Causes of narcissistic personality disorder

As with other mental disorders, there is no specific reason to explain the narcissistic personality disorder. However, it is believed to develop due to a combination of neurobiological, genetic and environmental factors.

Considering this, a person is more at risk of suffering when:

Has or had bad family relationships, either due to excessive devotion or criticism. It suffers alterations in the brain connections of behavior and thought.
Some of your parents or close family members have a history of the disease.
He is praised for his exceptional appearance or abilities.

Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder

The signs that identify the narcissistic personality disorder are variable, as well as the severity with which they occur. Often, the person who suffers from it is too vain, exaggerates their abilities and regards others as inferior. Other symptoms include:

Have an exaggerated sense of arrogance.
Feel the constant need to be admired or exalted.
Expect recognition of superiority, even if your success does not deserve it.
Exaggerate your achievements and talents.
Worrying about fantasies about success, power and the perfect match.
Feeling superior than others, comparing constantly.
Feel that they can only bond with special people, at their height.
Monopolize conversations and scorn those who perceive as inferior.
Expect special favors.
Take advantage of others for your own benefit.
Lack of empathy.
Envy others and believe they are jealous of you.
Behave arrogant or conceited.
Insist on having the best of everything.
Likewise, a person with narcissistic personality disorder has little tolerance for criticism and finds it difficult to face a situation where the opposite is the case. As a result, they also show signs such as:
Impatience and anger
Difficulties to have social relationships.
Depreciation and abuse towards others to give the impression that they are superior.
Difficulty regulating your emotions and behavior.
Depressions for not reaching perfection.
Feelings of insecurity, shame and humiliation.
Inability to manage stress and adapt to changes.


The diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder is usually complicated. Most of its symptoms are similar to other personality disorders. In addition, more than one personality disorder may be diagnosed at the same time.

For the confirmation of this mental illness, the health professionals consider the criteria of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. They also do the physical examination and perform an intensive psychological evaluation.

Treatment for narcissistic personality disorder

It is very difficult for a person with narcissistic personality disorder to access a treatment. Due to his egocentric behavior, he does not usually accept that he has problems and, therefore, does not see the possibility of receiving help.

However, if you do get a diagnosis and choose therapy, the psychiatrist recommends multiple sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy. His goals are:
Teach to relate better with others.
Understand the causes of behaviors.
Help maintain real personal relationships.
Strengthen the capacity for group collaboration.
Recognize and accept real capabilities to be able to tolerate criticism and failures.
Increase the ability to control feelings.
Release the desire to achieve unattainable goals.
Improve self-esteem.
Control moments of stress.
There are no specific medications to combat narcissistic personality disorder. However, the use of anxiolytics or antidepressants can be suggested to control the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the condition may worsen or improve over the years, depending on its cause and lifestyle. There are many improvements if the person has healthy personal relationships and maintains treatment.

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